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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

XStudio 1.3: UTF-8 Support

Starting from XStudio 1.3a3, support of UTF-8 character set and encoding is supported. This means that any kind of accentuated character or symbol can be used (French, German, Chinese, Arab, Hebrew etc.).

The only remaining forbidden characters are now: " $ * \ and `

Any textual element on any item in XStudio is now utf-8 supported excepted usernames and paswwords that still need to use only alphanumeric characters (for security reasons).

Saturday, April 24, 2010

XStudio 1.3: New refactored progress details window

It's a long time that I did not post a new thread in my blog (was pretty busy working on some dev. for a customer)!

Anyway, I'm glad to be back and with a pretty exciting new feature: I completely re-designed the way tests are executed (especially the threading part). This will allow in the future to support execution of tests from several agents at the same time. In addition, we should be able to run several instances of the same tests on each of those agents.

Anyway, the first step to get to this point was to redesign the progress details window so that it's much easier to get information on the current state of the execution.

Here is the new design:

As you can see, information are now much more readable than before and this new layout will make it easy to integrate several agents and several instances in the future.
So, what has changed exactly?

Each category is now displayed in an independent tab.
The same way, each agent executing some tests are displayed in a separate tab (for now, you can have only 1 agent though)

Stats consolidation
Specific tabs contains specific information. But you may want to get only "the big picture". With this new design, you can get exactly the information you want:
  • global stats of the campaign session (at the very bottom of the window)
  • stats related to one category of tests (all results of the tests belonging to the same category)
  • stats related to one category and executed from one specific agent
  • stats related to one category, executed from one specific agent and from one specific instance
In the future, there will be several rows in the instances table showing the details of each instance execution. Some additional settings will also be available in the future to synchronize all the instances together which will make XStudio a great tool for stressing SUTs.

Adaptive scale
In XStudio 1.2, the graph was showing a sliding window of the results. So, you were able to see only the results of the last 5 minutes of execution. Now, the graph is displaying ALL the results, and the scale is constantly adapting to do that. Much more practical (and there is still the zooming function available in case your campaign sessions last hours or days and you want to see a specific region of the results).

Offline display of the progress details window
This was something I wanted to do for a long time and it will be in XStudio 1.3a1: it is now possible to redraw this progress details information of any campaign session at any time (even if you executed the session two month ago).

Trends are now appropriately colored
- Green = success
- Red = failure
- Blue = relative
- Grey = not executed/skipped